Senator John Keenan, Representative Bruce Ayers, Matthew Salaga, HRSA, Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs (IEA), Region 1, Manet CEO Cynthia Sierra, Sean Curry, Manet Board President Grace Murphy-McAuliffe, Board Member Joe Reardon, Representative Tackey Chan and Carrie Arruda, Boston Medical Center, prepare to cut the ribbon for the new Radiology Center at Manet Community Health.
We celebrated the opening of The Radiology Center at Manet Community Health, in partnership with Boston Medical Center, with a ribbon cutting ceremony on June 23.
To acknowledge the legacy of helping to increase access to community mammography services, The Radiology Center at Manet is now home to a plaque commemorating the Marie Curry Fund. The Curry Family was on hand to unveil the plaque. Click to view the Radiology Center Ribbon Cutting Photo Album.