Despite a sloppy, wet curveball from Mother Nature, Manet began Phase 2 COVID-19 vaccination for its patients age 75 and older at 180 Old Colony Ave. in Quincy on Monday, February 1.

During its first session, which was pushed up several hours to beat the impending snow, the Manet Team administered 160 shots. Among those who received the vaccine on Monday, was 102 year-old Dorothea Neal, of Quincy, pictured in photo above chatting with her doctor, Lily Yung, MD, while Laurel Joseph, RN, gives her her injection (photo courtesy of the City of Quincy).

Manet primary care patients are also being vaccinated at our practice sites. Manet staff are actively outreaching to all our eligible patients to ensure that they are served. Patients also can schedule a vaccine appointment on the Manet website.

After working collaboratively with our community partners to serve communities across our service area, from Quincy to Taunton, during Phase 1, Manet looks forward to advancing these partnerships into Phase 2.

Manet is proud to be working with the City of Quincy to assist with vaccination of 75+ residents from across the city. Residents can schedule a vaccine appointment using the City’s online registration portal or by calling the City’s registration and assistance call center at 617-376-1470 or 617-376-1298 for Chinese language assistance. These vaccines will be administered by appointment only at 180 Old Colony Ave. No walk-ins, please.

As well, in the coming weeks Manet looks forward to hosting one or more COVID-19 vaccine clinics for seniors in Taunton.

If you’re over 75, you can also find information about vaccine availability from your health care provider or by visiting:

Phase 1 and 2 Eligibility Status