You’ve likely heard the adage: good things come in small packages. Well, sometimes, the smallest changes can have the biggest impact on a patient’s health, and with some guidance and encouragement almost anything can be accomplished. This was the take-away that James Elekwachi gleaned from sessions with his nutritionist at Manet.

James (right) credits coaching from Abigail Lively, MS, RD, CSSD, LDN (left) with helping him regain his health.
James (right) credits coaching from Abigail Lively, MS, RD, CSSD, LDN (left) with helping him regain his health.

A busy working father, he was highly stressed, gaining weight and having trouble sleeping. Most concerning, his blood sugar had risen to prediabetic level, which put him at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. His primary care provider, Dr. Vikram Butani, connected James to Abigail Lively, MS, RD, CSSD, LDN, for nutrition counseling and together they developed a regimen James could stick with—eating healthier and walking two miles almost every evening. Over the course of six months, he lost more than 20 pounds, began sleeping soundly and his blood sugar level returned to normal.

“It was just an amazing experience for me, because I am no longer prediabetic,” says James. “I feel great—younger, stronger, healthier. Working with a nutritionist really motivated me! In fact, my kids now walk to school, so it’s been motivation for the whole family.”

“It’s all about teamwork,” says Abigail. “I am so proud to work with patients like James!”

This is just a snapshot of the lifesaving and life-changing care that happens every day at Manet, made possible in part by our wonderful supporters.

Your generosity helps us increase access and support for more patients across our service areas, from Quincy to Hull to Taunton to Attleboro and all the communities in between. Your support also enables us to expand, innovate and enhance services across our sites. In 2023 alone, we added on-site Radiology Services in North Quincy, expanded our site in Attleboro, beautified the exterior of our Hull clinic, opened a school-based health center in Taunton to better serve pediatric and adolescent patients, and readied a site for opening in Quincy to serve the housing insecure.

We are humbled by your kindness and generosity, and there is so much more to come in 2024 as we celebrate our 45th anniversary!

Won’t YOU consider making or renewing a gift to Manet this holiday season to ensure our comprehensive, quality, integrated care is available to everyone who needs it? Your friendship and goodwill mean the world to us and your donation, no matter the size, makes a difference to our patients.

Thank you!

Best wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season!

Grace Murphy-McAuliffe
President, Board of Directors

Cynthia H. Sierra
Chief Executive Officer

Make your year-end donation online at