Once every 12 months, MassHealth members are required to go through the redetermination process to determine if they are still eligible for Medicaid. However, during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, MassHealth automatically maintained members’ coverage and benefits unless a member voluntarily withdrew, moved out of state, or passed away.

Beginning on April 1, MassHealth will resume normal eligibility operations, including terminating and/or downgrading members through the redetermination process, and MassHealth will have 12 months to renew all members. In most cases, MassHealth will attempt to renew a member’s eligibility through an automatic renewal process. If MassHealth has enough information to confirm a member’s eligibility, their coverage will be renewed automatically. If MassHealth is not able to confirm a member’s eligibility automatically, they will send a renewal form in a blue envelope to the mailing address they have on file. If individuals with MassHealth coverage don’t respond to MassHealth when they get the request to renew—or if they no longer qualify for MassHealth—they’ll lose their MassHealth coverage.

To avoid losing coverage, MassHealth members need to:

  • Make sure MassHealth has your most up to date address, phone number, and email.
  • Report any household changes, like a new job, pregnancy, or changes to your address, income, or disability status.

MassHealth members under 65 years old can update their information with MassHealth online at mahix.org/individual. If they don’t already have a MA Login Account, they can visit https://www.mass.gov/masshealth-ma-login-accounts.

MassHealth members age 65 and older can renew by mail or fax, or by scheduling an in-person appointment with a MassHealth representative or Enrollment Assister. Appointments can be scheduled at https://www.mass.gov/info-details/schedule-an-appointment-with-a-masshealth-representative.

More information is available online at https://www.mass.gov/masshealth-eligibility-redeterminations, or by calling the MassHealth Customer Service Center at 1-800-841-2900 (TDD/TTY: 711).

Have questions? Manet is Here to Help! Manet’s Health Insurance Navigators are at the ready to assist our patients and community members with the renewal process. If patients have questions or concerns about their MassHealth coverage, they can an appointment with a navigator by calling the front desk or by calling the Manet Navigation Hotline at 857-403-1557.