Dear Manet Patients,

Massachusetts recently announced that as of February 18, the following individuals can receive vaccine:

***Please know that if you are in one of the eligible categories, we will be reaching out to you soon about scheduling your vaccine appointment. Please stay tuned for more information from your care team.***

In the meantime, following are few things you should know:

The vaccine will be given to you at no cost, even if you are uninsured or undocumented. You do not have to pay any co-pays or fees.  You will not need a doctor’s note or other documentation to show you have two or more of the above conditions.

The COVID-19 vaccines are safe. Vaccines undergo rigorous testing and large clinical trials with diverse participants before they are approved for widespread use.  Getting a vaccine is the best way to protect yourself from COVID-19 and may also help protect loved ones who are not yet vaccinated.  For more on vaccine safety, visit 

To make an appointment, you will self-attest that you are eligible for the vaccine.  You do not need to confirm your eligibility with your provider; however you are encouraged to speak with your health care provider if:

  • You are under 65 years old and have questions about your eligibility due to medical conditions; or
  • You have concerns or questions about getting vaccinated because you are pregnant or breastfeeding, due to certain medical conditions, or for any other reason.

Supply of vaccine in Massachusetts is currently very limited.

If you are eligible to receive the vaccine, we will be reaching out to you soon about scheduling a vaccination appointment at Manet or you may also choose to visit to find a location near you and to make an appointment. The website can be used to identify:

  • A mass vaccination site, examples include Gillette Stadium, Fenway Park, the Eastfield Mall in Springfield, the DoubleTree Hilton Hotel in Danvers, the Reggie Lewis Center in Roxbury and others. These sites currently have the most availability for appointments;
  • Regional vaccine clinics operated by a local board of health;
  • Local pharmacies administering the vaccine.

Due to limited vaccine supply, available appointments are limited at this time.  Appointments will be added as more vaccine becomes available. If you do not have access to the internet or having trouble using the internet, you can call 211 for assistance with scheduling an appointment, or your health insurer may also be able to help.

What to expect if you aren’t currently eligible for vaccine

If you do not qualify for vaccine at this time, there are no steps for you to take right now and you do not need to call our office.  Please visit to learn more about the phases and to find additional information about the COVID-19 vaccine.

Thank you for your patience as we seek to help our patients get vaccinated as quickly and efficiently as we can. More information to come!


The Manet Care Team