What better time for a celebration in Hull than mid-summer? And what a celebration is was!
The July 20 Seaside Summer Celebration at Local 02045 in Hull was a gathering to reflect on the contributions of the late Attorney Larry Kellem, who passed away in January, and his fellow founders of Hull Medical Center – a history that was detailed beautifully in the July 13 edition of The Hull Times.
With a spectacular bay view as a backdrop, Manet CEO Cynthia Sierra and Board President Grace Murphy-McAuliffe welcomed guests that included families of the founders, Hull Select Board members, members of the Hull-Nantasket Chamber of Commerce, local business owners and residents, Manet providers, staff and board members. State Representative Joan Meschino introduced her longtime friend David Kellem, who delivered a touching reflection on his father’s legacy as a Founder of Hull Medical Center and the contributions of all of the Founders. He expressed his gratitude to the Manet leadership and staff who are carrying on that legacy and ensuring access to vital programs and services for Hull residents of all ages. He also made an inspiring call to action for attendees to become involved in a meaningful way in their community.
Click here to view our Hull Seaside Summer Celebration Photo Album.
Thanks to our generous sponsors who helped make it a very a special evening!
Refreshment Sponsors
- Michael Duggan
- Keith & Grace McAuliffe
Table Sponsors
- Endeavor Consulting, LLC
- Kellem & Kellem, LLC
- Cynthia Sierra
- Slotnick Family
Community Sponsors
- Ellen Hafer
- Hull Nantasket Chamber of Commerce
- Kellem Mahoney Family Law and Mediation
- Rob & Julie Littlefield
- Jason McCann & Chad Wolfe
- Nantasket Pharmacy
- Karen Ward & Mark Sanner
- Nancy & Bill Wyrebek