Authors: Abigail Lively and Celeste Le, Manet Dietitians

This January, have you:

  • Been resetting your diet every Monday, but have a bag of spinach you throw out every Friday?
  • Signed up for the gym but still not gone?
  • Regularly slept less than 7 hours a night?

Some suggestions for sticking to your resolution this year:

Keep your New Year’s resolutions by shifting your mindset! Instead of focusing on perfection, embrace progress. Set realistic goals, celebrate small wins, and view setbacks as learning opportunities. A positive outlook can turn resolutions into lasting habits that you will keep for years & years!

First, make sure your goal is SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound!

  • To make sure your goal is SPECIFIC, ask yourself, “What do I want to accomplish?”
  • MEASURING your success tracks your progress and lets you know when you meet your goal.
  • Ensuring that your goal is realistic, given your resources and constraints, will ensure that your goal is ACHIEVABLE.
  • Does your goal seem to align with your values? If you answered yes, then you have a RELEVANT goal.
  • Always make sure your goal is TIME-BOUND. Having a set time frame to achieve your goal keeps you on track!

Examples of goals:

“I will walk 30 minutes after dinner 5 days a week for 2 months to improve my cardiovascular health and lower my cholesterol.”

“I will eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily for the next 3 months by incorporating color into every meal. I will track my intake using a food diary to ensure consistency and meet with a Manet Dietitian.”

Watch Abbie and Celeste discuss healthy New Year’s resolutions on QATV’s Currently in Quincy on January 13, 2025.